Re: Analytical Research Labs
Why'd you recommend ozone?
Isn't ozone a promoter of potential free radicals?
Ozone would be potentially good as an anti-biotic, but I don't know if I want to risk placing a source of oxidation in my body without the anti-oxidant capacity to weather its application? Am I making sense here?
My understanding is that ozone is by definition, an oxidant. So if my anti-oxidant enzyme SOD is temporarily offline, how could I stop free radical cascades from the ozone.
To me, ozone seems extremely dangerous in my scenario.
I was in Tucson, Arizona visiting a naturopath some time ago and he recommended IV ozone after a live blood analysis. Thank goodness I'd already only just left town, otherwise this could have seriously harmed me.
This is another example of where generic advice could be the worst prescription.
What do you think?