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Re: Coffee Enemas
lilagirl Views: 1,937
Published: 13 y
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Re: Coffee Enemas

Oh, then I guess I'm going about it all backwards, as I had been doing stone crushers (is that what coptis/bitters do?) and then 3-4 nights of CEs, and then planned to do a 2-3 day fast of juice, and Liver Flush with epsom following.

I don't know about the suds. That makes me a little nervous. Enemas make me a little nervous - loss of minerals, etc. Something could "go wrong" - I'm not sure what.

I've been soaking in Epsom Salt (body or feet) and drinking some detox tea.

I just need my liver to get a jump start and start breaking down estrogens better so I can lose weight and get relief from PMS!

Oh, and the Coffee-Enema is supposed to help detox my liver, not really cleanse my colon, I thought.

Also, I'm not able to retain. Is it better to do less fluid? (6-8 oz and retain for 12 minutes)? I tried 14 oz, and couldn't retain for more than a few minutes, so IDK if that was a wasted enema.


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