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Research data on colonics?
LoricaLady Views: 24,969
Published: 13 y
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Research data on colonics?

I did not state categorically that colonics are bad for people. I said I was concerned that they might be harmful. And I still am. I have a friend who got them and gave up as they were too draining on her system.

There are other ways to clean out the colon. For ex. Blessed Herbs has a great product which does not wipe out the gut flora. There is organic psyllium combined with Bentonite clay. Low enemas can help clean out the colon, but there will still be gut flora from the intestines to help replinish it, in addition to intentionally taken probiotics. Low enemas don't invade the entire intestinal tract.

If colonics have done you no harm, good, I hope that continues to be the case and that you don't discover any related problems down the line. But "one size doesn't fit all."

What data is there to show the extent of damage colonics may be doing to the gut flora, electrolytes etc. and that taking this & that product will adequately replace them? I don't believe any such research has been done. Therefore I continue to feel that one should procede with caution if at all. Mho.

If expressing a different opinion is being bullying, then what is this forum all about? If you try to squash others' honest oponions and expressions of concern for others doing something possibly (notice the word possibly) harmful, then maybe you have to watch out for being bullying yourself dear.


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