Re: Beware of kidney herbs
>Is it true that too much intake of [...] can lead to damaging of kidney?
Yes and no. Yes - if you already have kidney disease. (The kind of cellular damage to kidneys that impairs their function, damage not related to kidney stones.) No - if you don't already have kidney disease. But in any case, you might not want to overdo protein, as you never know when you might be slipping into a reduced kidney function situation. It's a normal part of aging, at least in the United States, to have a GFR of 70 at age 70, meaning that a normal kidney at age 70 functions with about 70% of the clearing power it had when you were a one-year old.
It's a good idea to limit protein somewhat as you age and if your GFR isn't completely normal. Just how much to limit it isn't agreed upon by all kidney specialists.
Here's a book written by a Johns-Hopkins kidney researcher who believes many people can arrest their deteriorating kidney function by drastic protein reductions: "Coping with Kidney Disease: A 12-Step Treatment Program to Help You Avoid Dialysis" by Mackensie Waller.
It's a book worth reading, with lots of kidney disease information.
Best wishes,