Re: What to do?
WoW! THank you for the fast response! IT has been so overwhelming to try to figure out what to do. My intuition has been the same as your advice- Do herbal antiparasitics, and then
Liver Flushes followed by a candida cleanse. I have a couple of questions:
Can I take the food grade diatomaceous earth with the herbal antiparasitics, or should I take them at different times?
Do you specifically recommend the Humaworm or the RCB
Clarkia group of herbal remmedies? I'm not sure what to do, I was planning on Paragone, but you said that that could cause negative results.
Also- THe type of liver/gallbladder flush that I did required 5 days of eating NO fat, and on the 5th night we drank the olive oil and lemon juice. I was told I could only do this once a month- but you recommend more? IF so, is it ok to eat fat?
I really appreciate the time you have put into responding to my post!