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What to do?
raetotheanne21 Views: 1,356
Published: 13 y

What to do?

Hello!  I know I have a parasite problem- I just don't know what to do about it. I'm feeling kinda desperate.

It all began a few months ago with random upper abdominal painful attacks.  They would come on unexpectedly, last an hour or so, and then completely go away.  It was incopacitating.   Thinking it was a gallbladder problem, I did a gallbladder/ liver flush ( the whole olive oil/ lemon juice bit)  and I had amazing results.  I passed many stones and I saw "fuzzy" parasites- I think that they were dying liver flukes? 

Right before I did the Liver/Gallblader flush I was eating REALLY healthy and naturally passed a bunch of "white rice"  which, I think is bits of a tape worm? 

I have NOT had any more upper abdominal attacks at ALL since the liver/ gallbladder cleanse.

My chiropractor muscle tested my liver and it was in aweful condition.  He put me on another liver cleanse, wanting to get it strong before a parasite cleanse.  In conjuction with this liver cleanse, I received about 5 colonics within the course of 2- 3 weeks.  In the middle of my liver cleanse I received a colonic- and then that night I had the worse detox reaction? or something... I thought I was going to DIE.  Uncontrollable shivers, unquenchable thirst, weakness, nausea, headach.  AWEFUL.  I immediately ate a green pepper and began to feel better.

HOWEVER< he has seen markable improvement in my liver.

My thoughts about this-  Too much too fast coupled with a bit of low blood sugar- thoughts?

Because of this reaction, I've been too terrified to do any more colonic or a parasite cleanse.  My chiropractor thinks that I need to build up my immune system and liver function before I do a parasite cleanse- he tested my adrenals and says they are pretty good. 

OH- and every time I get colonic, we see yeast and undigested food come out, I've not had a "BIG" release yet.  My therapist recommends me getting more colonic to clear out my colon before I do a parasite cleanse as well. - but I'm hesitant now, about colonic as well.

I am so eager to get thes buggers out of me!  BUT- I'm so hesitant to just jump into it.  Does anyone have any advice?

ONE MORE WEIRD THING-  Every time I get colonic- one after AFTERWORDS- i pass big clumps of white yeast/ mucous that has tiny bits of blood in it, it looks like it has been ripped from my colon wall or something- the blood is NOT coming from my rectum, it is IN the yeast clump.  My therapist has no idea what this is, and assures me that all is well, but something about it really worries me.  I don't want to be opening up sores in my intestines!

Sorry, I just felt like I had to include ALL of this weird stuff, as it is all a part of my situation.  Thank you for any advice.

ONE MORE THING- I have been advised to take "PARAGONE" as a cleanse- thoughts?




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