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Re: i,m new and need some advice on threadworms, help!
sd2345 Views: 8,479
Published: 13 y
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Re: i,m new and need some advice on threadworms, help!

Oh, then those probably aren't roundworm, it's pretty rare for roundworm to exit alive. Might be pinworms or strongyloids. Hopefully someone here has some info on the particular worm you are seeing. Lorica Lady has good advice on pinworms. Enema's may be helpful for you, if you are having them exit in your stools without doing any type of parasite cleanse, then you know that some are in your colon, and enemas can assist with clearing junk out.

Don't be frightened by all the info, it's possible that you are only dealing with one type of parasite. At least you found something that most likely is causing your problems, now you just need to try to figure out what works for you.

So you think your child has this also, I assume you have seen something in your childs stool as well?


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