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Re: Die-off mental symptom: dwelling on the past
Eric11 Views: 6,193
Published: 13 y
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Re: Die-off mental symptom: dwelling on the past

It happens to me too. Sometimes I feel extremely and sadly nostalgic, or I feel strong regret for things I've done or haven't done. It can happen when I break the diet, and it can happen during chelating. It comes and goes and usually stops when I take a break from chelating or follow the diet more strictly. Now It doesn't happen to me as much as it used to.

I may also feel very emotional during movies and such like that. I remember feeling very sad and crying when King Kong died. Of course, later I wondered why I was crying for a CGI ape. That was before I knew anything about yeast. Now, I understand.

I'm not sure what causes it exactly.



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