I have cured myself, if you are interested, I could mail you my regime
How old is your boy, Can he swollow pills? My regime is all herb, natrural FDA food grade. Chinese prescription, US , India, Afirica Products approved and sold in the US.
I have found out the truth, and I know how to get rid of it.
I have skin restore cream, skin cleanse spray(2 bottles), body restore veggie pills.
The regime is use spray 1 first, then use spray 2, then put cream on 4 times daily, or when it itches.
eat restore pills 4 times daily.
1 day show result, 2 weeks cure 99%.need to follow up for a period of time to get rid of new ones, becasue othe people in the family and in school also carry mites. Unless he's fully restored, then the mites will not harm him any more.
Later on, he just need to use restore cream when ever have new itches, and eat restore pills for a while. He'll never have
Acne and ezxema and all other diseases, include cancer. If you use my regime, and after 10 years, your son sees healthier than average , I demand a big bonus donation from you. I need this money to encourage more people reserch on herb cure. I have reserched for 12 years, suffered for 15 years. I finally found the truth. I'm the patient, I'm my own doctor, and Now I'm ready to cure more people. I've cured many who don't have so severe ezxema as myself, but Now I'm ready. I have several patients near me who have prorisis, severe ezxemas, severe acnes, I'm ready to cure severe cases now. If you still want to wait to keep your son suffer, wait untill I cure more people. Now I have 3 patients who are using my regime(partial), for 1 day now. I 'll keep you informed how many severe cases I have cured. Untill you want ot try my regime.