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cutting out sugar/ sweets/ milk
wishful229 Views: 1,248
Published: 13 y

cutting out sugar/ sweets/ milk

HI guys,
Do most of you guys cut out milk, sweets and sugar? I know /read that parasites love these ingredients! I tried my hardest to exclude them..for few months..and i think it helped.
But i have been having many cravings for these things..and then i finally cracked..and am back to eating sweets, and sugars..
I love yogourt, and even cut that out..(very hard for
Is that what most of you guys are doing?

I also read that you can lure the bugs back into your stomach from your head/other areas of your body, back into your gut..
is that better?

What are you guys mostly doing with your diet when it comes to sweets, sugars, milk..etc..

I want to keep them out..(even milk) but its almost impossilbe..cuz you have to overcome these strong cravings..
I noticed i was okay for few weeks, but then the craving became strong again..recently...

When can we introduce these things back into our diet? Or is it that we should never eat like that..?



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