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Re: Ruptered and bulging neck discs
>>The atlas bone can be the cause of many problems:
That is exactly what happened but only my arms became partially paralyzed.
One early morning I went for a walk, needed to think since my Medico Mafia option was brain surgery (exploration).
Next thing I know I am in a guys way who is sweeping up some fallen leafs and we got talking. Turns out he was a strange type of Chiro who has a special adjustment table and requires X-Rays (not covered by medical)..
But he said he would know in a few minutes if its likely that he could help (no charge). He developed a machine that measured the pressure or weight put on a plate while standing. Are you heavier on the right or left or toes vs heels? Turns out enough of the criteria matched and here goes $180.- for X-Rays and to come back after Breakfast to allow him to develop the film.
Went back, laid down, crack, thanks please pay up front..bye..<10 minutes problem solved..