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Just Figured Out I have Morgellons
Bluerabbit Views: 3,536
Published: 13 y

Just Figured Out I have Morgellons


Here's my long story made short. I plan to study this forum so I can learn some things. I've been successfully fighting parasites for the last year. Had many rounds of cleansing, killing, etc.,

Three months ago I was in the hospital recovering from a spinal fusion surgery when I noticed small shiny things coming out of my pores. I thought it was a pinworm infection and treated it as such.

Since then and especially at the beginning of December, I noticed small fuzzy things on my face and neck. I hear strange popping sounds in my head at night. Silvery puddles form in the pores of my nose. Glitter things come out of the pores in my face sometimes. I don't itch too much or have extreme symptoms. I've been doing probiotics and other supplements to fight the parasites and I think I've been working at the morgellons at the same time. I saw the website "how I cured morgellons" and plan to do that protocol faithfully. I'm ordering today.

What can I do and what should I expect? I live with my husband and 2 kids, plus our new puppy. I am deworming the puppy regularly and have everyone on DE. What else can I give them to protect their immunities?

I haven't seen the fuzzies in about 4 weeks. I took 2 rounds of Albend, prescribed for the "pinworm" problem that I thought I had, maybe this held it at bay??

Any help is so appreciated. I'm scared but I am sleeping at night.

Thanks for the help!


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