I've been detoxing bromine through the hands for just about a year now. It is the last of the detox symptoms. During the first three months, I was detoxing through the skin all over my body. It was horrible and I don't know how I got through it. Slowly but surely, it became relegated to only my arms and hands, then to my hands and now just my fingers. Iodine is pushing everything out to my hands.
The skin on my hands look disturbed in general. Parts may look like a rash, eczema, cracked or even just dry skin. But I know it is bromine, because the color of the seepage is the same color as Lugol's. If I stop taking iodine, the hands basically resolve from a week to 10 days.
I look forward to the end of all skin detox. 2011 has been a very painful yet enlightening year for me. Judging by how fast my hands are healing, it may be March until they become smooth. I can't wait to have my hands back.