Hi Ginagirl. :)
Yes, I took the homeopathic as you suggested in March 8 of last year. I can't say for sure it actually helped me. At the time, I was already losing significant amounts of fluid from my hands, and both arms had multiple weeping lesions.
Five months later, in August, I was covertly angry at you for suggesting the homeopathic. I was still feeling terrible, despite some skin resolution. I was also struggling with a new symptom that appeared in May: chronic hives. It was slowly and finally becoming clear that mercury was the main problem here, and knowing that the homeopathic contained mercury made me very upset.
I'm not angry at you now, of course. For one, it is the chronic in "chronic mercury poisoning" that's the real killer. Mercury ingested for a day or two, at any reasonable amount, is not absorbed by the body. Also, from my understanding, it was in the form of mercuric chloride and probably in the parts per billion. Furthermore, by participating in this volunteer forum, one must accept a certain amount of risk. I took action on my own volition despite how brain fogged I was. So I've only faulted myself and my own ignorance. But how was I to know that I didn't fit in with most cases? Everywhere you look,
Iodine is recommended even if you still have
Amalgams in your mouth.
Today, it's probably still a good recommendation. But it wasn't for me. And I cannot in good conscience recommend it to anyone else. I've already accepted any iodine-induced damage that's been done to me, irreversible or not, and simply look forward to a better year.