Re: Mercola... Does this info surprise (is it NEWS to) anyone?
If the USSR did ban microwaves, then it was for a short time. The internet is riddled with meme-sites that re-peat the same message. Russia banned microwaves (forever), so should you! Reality is quite different, but myths become legends and legends become truth for many as they give up searching out the source of the original myths.
Can't stand Mercola with the heavy ads. I'm on the don't go there fence. I can see the temptation to build a quality marketing site that receives many visitors, it would be weird if there were no ads. More visitors means eventually someone will buy something and Mercola gets paid. An informational site that doesn't sell anything is usually propaganda, or someone's hobby. Mercola needs to learn to tone down the ads, not increase them and push his wares.
The book 1984 was a vision of a police state and perpetual war at the beginning of a feasible technological surveillance of all people. Nowadays, surveillance is moreso hidden and less obvious, but, nonetheless, 1984 is here. All credit/debit transactions are transparent, what you buy is monitored. Communications of any kind are monitored. As long as you're not triggering the system, you'll never know it exists unless you work is a portion of it and figure it out. It's not all bad like in the book, but it could easily head in that direction - especially with the fiat currency crisis.
When you think about it, people want an easy route - someone else to do the work for them instead of reading research papers that bore many to death. Mercola provides that easy route and offers an easy route to buy sponsored products. Common sense tells me that I should not buy from him due to conflict of interest. Rather, spend my time and analyze the research, before parting with $$$.