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Re: My heart aches...
vektek Views: 1,424
Published: 14 y
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Re: My heart aches...

Thank you everyone! I don't have a whole lot of support in my life right at the moment, so your words mean more to me than you know.

Rainy, all you said confirms to me that God was moving in a big way last night. Thank you always for your kindness to me. I pray for your healing too and I think of you so often, wondering if you are fasting that day, etc. :) And yes, may we both press on! By God's grace we'll make it through whatever comes!

Chavey, It means so much to me what you said because I've been feeling kind of worthless lately. I know it's just a lie from the devil, but still, those feelings come. I want to help other people. What other reason is there to be on this earth? Everybody hurts.... one of my favorites. :) Brings back memories. One time in my twenties I sung that on my answering machine. And I can't sing, so I made everybody hurt that called. lol

Insight, I pray for your healing. From my experience adrenal fatigue seems impossible at times, but I know not too impossible for our Lord. May 2012 be the year we are both healed from it, or better yet, 2011. :)

Tomato, thank you! I know you've been through so much too! I could wonder how you keep standing, but I know the answer. I'm enjoying the videos. I had never heard of that Michael Buble guy until just the other night. Yes, I've been living under a rock. :)


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