I'm a 20 year prostate cancer survivor. It was discovered during a TURP.
Against my surgeon's best wishes and loss of profit I refused removal and turned
to raw garlic as my primary deterrent. I have had PSA tests over the
years, every 6 months at first then once a year and they have been in the 1.35
to .70 range. Had a PSA test a couple of years ago by my primary care doc
and it was the highest I've ever had at 1.35. Knew my urologist was going
to test a couple of weeks later and I hadn't been eating my garlic so I began
eating anywhere from 3 to 6 cloves a day - chew 'em up a bit, then wash 'em down
with water. My urologist's PSA test was .7 - shortly after the 1.35 test.
It is known that raw garlic kills prostate cancer in the Petri dish in the
lab and I'm convinced that it does through ingestion as well.