Re: A free gift to you, for the Holidays! by MH
too thin
this means for the "beginner"
for your self, you examine what you have done to date, your own personal history and then decide what "fits".
the too thin
1. are they too thin from self induced toxins: drugs/smoking/etc.
2. or are they born too thin, from too thin parents or developed naturally too thin, etc......
the cure is pretty much the same, but the type of damage matters.
too thin people that are sick are the ones in trouble, if your on the thin side and healthy, then you are ahead of the normal people.....
in your post, only you know what you have experienced to your own physician.
the too thin people are the hardest to help, because thir history needs to be examined the most and take greater care.
why are you cornfused over raw verses cooked? raw fruit juices are "cleansers" and sickly bean pole people have zero room to "cleanse", they are starving to death, usually hyper diaper eaters with run away muscles....once they have gained control, put on weight, then they move to the your weight, it would seem you were normal weight and just subnormal and don't fit the profile of the too thin.....a man your height and 130# would truely be too thin.
reading the 2 part too thin books on the website school folder is my best advice, that and herbs together.