I don't think so. They're not meant to grow back hair. Bosley is a newer product line simlar to nioxin. They help with hair loss when it's caused by high levels of DHT in the scalp (hormonal imbalance). I think so anyway.
I've used both lines, and they both did the same thing for me: slow down the shedding and improve my scalp health. You have to use the shampoo as well as scalp treatment. My friend who does hair buys me the Bosley products at her salon place. It's much cheaper than buying the products from Bosely.com. Still pricier than the cheap walmart stuff I used to use! You can google bosely vs. nioxin and read the comparisons. My friend that the general word at her salon is that Bosely is a bit better. Also, if you discontinue the products, the hair loss can start up again. I've seen this. I'm hoping to use it until my hormones rebalance better and then wean off it or just use it every few days as maintenance. I dunno. I'm just glad to not have it falling out as much.