Re: Eye Disease - Mucus, Pimples, inflammation, Lost eyelashes
Should mention, I tried POV
Iodine 10% on my eyelids for 2 weeks, did nothing for me, but I have no doubt it works with people that have common eyelid issues.
Ok, looks like I know why its occurring.
After eating any thing that has egg or dairy I will get this break out. It some times occurs with soy or fruits.
So its only eczema!
Why I think this is occurring now and not before, it must be toxin overload, after catching a bug overseas which has killed my digestion system it has troubles keeping up with pathogens/acidic body. Its been 3 years still pretty bad shape.
Im working on it just been very busy, what keeps me going is enzymes without those supplements I dont know where I would be.
If I can remove the over load and get my stomach back to normal I have no doubt the Eczema will clear.
For now