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No use for drugs in the workplace............
Corey Views: 1,106
Published: 13 y
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No use for drugs in the workplace............

I worked 40+ years in construction work. I worked for many employers over that time. Some required drug testing and some did not.

I had no problem with anyone using drugs if that was their choice. But I got to see how less safe the users were, for the user and his coworkers . Dangerous situations seemed to be funny to some users, and I did see some users get hurt badly. Some of the drugs seemed to change personalities and some I was genuinely afraid to be around. Afraid for my own safety. Some I would flat refuse to work around if they were using. Pot never seemed to be a problem, other than the stench. I did eventually get to the point that I would not work for an employer that did not drug test.

Now on the lighter side:
I helped build a courthouse in a small town. Sheriff's office was a block away.
With fairly regularity they would burn the pot that was confiscated and the whole town would have a strong smell. The entire town would get a mild high. If they had drug tested there, the courthouse would have never been built. And when I would get home my family would ask what the strange smell was.


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