There's one Republican that isn't pursuing that goal. In fact, I am sure he would be against drug testing period because it is unconstitutional. I'm with him 100% - what a person does on their own time is their business. If it affects their work performance then they can lose their job. If they do it at work and it can be proven that they did it at work, that is one thing. Otherwise, stick your drug tests up the closest orifice to where the urine comes from.
Yes, and my point is that poor job performance for whatever reason is grounds for losing one's job - thus if pot or any other thing caused job performance to suffer it could result in loss of a job. But not merely testing positive for a substance than can linger in the system up to a month. When it comes to pot, is it in any way fair to fire someone who smoked some week at a party two weeks ago and still tested positive despite not smoking at work and performing well? Methinks not.