help please :)
I think I might have
parasite and/or candida. I have a bunch of health problems which came up the past months( including gerd,discomfort(pain) throat lumps and bumps( kind of like a sore throat, orange/pink/white, but ENT doesnt think its candida, its not patches) which I already have seen a ENT for, who tested me for
food allergies , which came back positive, foods I used to be able to eat I am reacting to all of the sudden the past 3 1/2 months. note I also had a 10 day septra
Antibiotic treatment for ear infection which seemed to be the start of some of the problems). I have had skin issues for years which come and go but never seem to go away completely. I am looking into getting a
parasite cleanse product and dont want to spend a fortune on a product which wont work. please share your experience with products which REALLY worked! ?
I am looking at ordering them from amazon, as I trust amazon...