Re: Rife Software Link & description
While she was fighting for recovering, one of hers priorities was to help others with the same health condition. When she started her Forum, there was zero information, in my country, regarding any alternative path. There was also absolutely no indication or hope that a cure was even possible. Sometimes, under great physical pain, I could see her at the computer, sharing not only her progress, doubts and drawbacks, but also all the information that she was able to collect. With the exchange of experiences among the participants, plus the large amount of collected data, the forum has gained its own life, requiring less of her time and presence. Meanwhile, as always happens, she received the feedback from people that recovered their health, others reporting progress; some others that just gave up too soon... and a few ones that doubt she ever won the battle.
She’s a little woman with a giant heart and lots of stamina and bravery.
I can witness in your posts a similar attitude and moral fiber: The fact that you take time to encourage others, while you’re facing your own strains. The fact that you’re able to express contentment for those who recovered or report some sign of progress. The fact that you express gratitude for what you’ve learned. The fact that you show a great zest for life…
Well, regardless of the chosen path ~ ATTITUDE SHAPES DESTINY”! I don’t need a crystal ball to foresee that you’re fated to succeed!
As you say : “When you chose one way of doing things, you respect yourself and it gives you more confidence as well as power in the future.” Life is beautiful... We need to fight for that life that we carry or that carries us.”
LIFE = Living In Full Enthusiasm!
Thank you for your kind and wise words… They mean a lot to us!