The candida in the colon has to be down to a minumum in the colon for the fecal transplants to work. Ive done one fecal enema and it did not successfully implant because i still have to get rid of more candida. When i did the fecal enema it was causing a interesting twitching sensation that I have not experienced before with any other type of probiotic enema. Maybe it was trying to colonize but the candida overcame it.
Im going to do some anti-fungal enemas to try to get rid of it. Once I do an anti-fungal enema and get no die off reactions for a while then I will know its time to do the fecal enemas. My anti-fungal enemas will be caprylic acid , undeconic acid salts, nystatin?, lavender oil, Maybe tee tree oil? Might mix some sugar with some of them to bait it. If i get desperate enough i will do a 2hr colonic and have her do some flushes after i do some anti-fungal enemas.