Could use some advice on parasite and candida cleansing please..
Hi,i am 57 and just started the first Paragone 7 days ago...Prior to that i was doing a candida pill..I have been eating gluten,dairy, carb
Sugar free for 4 months....I recently had a couple gluten free choc muffins for several days and have stopped that 2 days ago when i saw a flat worm in toilet....That was the most frighting thing to ever happen to me and has me totally creeped out really BAD.I do not look any more because i cant handle it..Just talking and reading is hard for me..I am 5 4 tall and weigh 126...I lost 18 lbs so far and DO NOT want to loose any more..What can i do for this?
I take a good probiotic and make green veggie smoothies 1-2 x a day....I drink psyliin husk 2 x a day also..I buy organic everything.Oct 3rd i finished a 17 month long taper from tranquilizers and now know i most likly used them for 20 plus yrs because of worms/candida which i did not know about....Many of the withdrawal symptoms are the same as worms /candida symptoms.
I also see a chiropractor natural doc who is on boardd with what i am doing.
Last night i added fresh garlic to 2 eggs and tomato,onions cilantro....Are these ok to eat??
Should i add coffee inemina to this and yogart to or a herb? I heard pinapple kills the worms??...I would think they would love the sugar..I welcome any advice... Thank you!