Re: Drob Beck Protocol Test Results
I too have had excellent results from the full Beck Protocol. I am also posting my progress on his blog as well as my own blog at
The thing I noticed the most about this protocol is that you have to follow the protocol explicitly or else it won't work correctly. You will get fluctuations and unfavorable results. I had an increase in viral load by accidentally using the South pole of the Magnetic Pulser for a month just when my viral load was plummeting. It is difficult to find any instructions in one specific location based on an actual user but that is why I am posting my results and progress on my blog.
As a basic rule to follow when using the full Beck protocol (the Magnetic Pulser, Silver Pulser, Water Ozinator,
Colloidal Silver made from Silver Pulser) you need to us the Mag Pulser first to move the virus out of the joints and lymph system, then use the Silver Pulser on your wrist for a minimum of 2 hours to attenuate the virus in the blood. Your blood will circulate 4 times an hour so 8 passes in 2 hours should effectively attenuate the virus in your blood stream. Immediately drink the
Colloidal Silver water within 15 minutes to take advantage of the semi-permeable status from the Silver Pulser to attack the virus at the nucleus of the cells. Since it is a virus it cannot survive the natural effectiveness of silver. Lastly drink 14oz or more of Ozonated water to help the body flush the dead virus and other detritus from your body after it has been zapped. You will see incredible results considering the virus you are fighting but you have to follow the directions above and be sure to only use the North side of the Magnetic Pulser.
Check out my blog for more info as I will post my next update in January 2012.