Re: Nothing helps me... I'v tried anything
I have said the same thing many times. I just couldn't believe what was happening and have a bad foot with a calcified bone that causes me to use a walking cane. The pain is so bad and then what happens? I slip on a rug and on the same dang foot break two of my toes. ouch.
Sometimes illness comes for a reason. Such as cleansing the soul or teaching you how to help others. I have had many illnesses and those tradgedies turned into good things.
I am glad you are off of Prozac, I did that and plotted the death of everyone close to me. In my mind they deserved to die and then I saw on TV where there were others doing the same thing while on Prozac. I flushed them down the toilet, not the smartest way to stop and I never went back.
All disease circles around the stomach. If you listen to the stomach you can cure almost any illness. Candida starts with sugar, cancer starts with bad diet and environment (most times) and stress comes from bad people.
Fasting will make you remember deep repressed memories. So if you are in a highly stressed state, fasting may not be your best alternative. What you can do is go on a raw diet and try one day on and one day off fasting.
Cut out all processed foods out of your diet also. Once you eliminate the things that are triggering your stomach, you will begin to be well. It is a slow process and does take time.
The single most important thing you can do is to eat properly with proper food combinations. I dont suggest meat of any kind, but if you do eat meat. Don't eat meat with rice. Eat meat with veggies. Eat rice with veggies. Don't eat sour fruit with sweet fruit and eat fruit before the meal not after the meal.
Proper digestion will aid the stomach and thus help you to be on the road to recovery.
If you are highly stressed then take some chamomile tea or some ginger tea. I have been in your shoes really and there is hope. It takes a while to recover but there are alot of people who care and will guide you.