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Re: Ron Paul
princewilliam Views: 1,534
Published: 14 y
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Re: Ron Paul

julie77. you make a very good point. if helping someone with their health needs is all that happened this would be a huge thing. i agree that it is.
but that is not what happens here. i again refer to what glaxony did recently and it appears she added it again. she posted to THIS FORUM a plea for something. anything. and the response she got was to have a video posted in response.
if all people want to do is gather down and the local bar and bitch and moan about the state of the universe their world their relationships then thats their business. but when you do it publicly on the internet you become fair game for what ever ridicule that comes. i am ridiculing these people who whine and whine and whine but do occasionally help people with health issues. when the latter it is fantastic. new port posted something recently about silver and electrics that was fantastic to read though much of it was greek to me.
but to bitch and moan and whine and especially blame everything on everyone else except themselves i will be the first to point out they are fakes. they are phonies. no wonder one got kicked out by his wife.
people who live in glass forums and throw stones get what is deserved. you are 100% correct that if assistance towards someones health is what matter then yes. but the constant whining to actually doing anything ratio is so warped it some of the worse i have ever seen in any form.


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