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Re: Taking Carnivora Caps & Tincture & Psyllium Husk Powder. Expelling parasites and tons, and tons of Dark Green foul smelling stool daily..
sd2345 Views: 2,833
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Re: Taking Carnivora Caps & Tincture & Psyllium Husk Powder. Expelling parasites and tons, and tons of Dark Green foul smelling stool daily..

1" pieces of onions is exactly what these look like, and feel like, when I poke at them. This is the first time I have seen something like this on a regular basis, and all I am taking is Centaury, which is fairly inexpensive, I think it was about $16.00 including shipping. It's a pain to grind and fill the caps myself, but to find something that works, I will gladly do it. It might be worth a try for you, but I am strong believer that if something is giving you results, do not stop.

Last year I saw some seed looking things a couple of times, but not since. I really don't know what these things could be. I have taken some pretty powerful herbs, and so much garlic that nothing could survive inside of me, so it's kind of strange that they are showing up now.

That immune building product you are taking is interesting. I need to boost my immune system when I am clear of these things so that they don't come back.


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