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almost 5 years with BO - Update
oreny Views: 3,455
Published: 13 y

almost 5 years with BO - Update

haven't been here for a while.
I got this BO for almost 5 years. I can smell it on me and I think it's coming from all of my body.
my room, my car, my work place smells almost all the time I'm there.
The candida diet helped a little but I still get better days and days that I can't bear myself.
I even had a GF for a few month when my BO was much better.
I think I've tried almost everything that people suggested on this forum but with no actual success.
I went to the gastro doctor and told him that my stomach hurts most of the time.
he sent me to do the H. pylori test which came back Negative.
I also did US for my stomach/duodenum/liver which all came back OK.
Now he wants me to do the colonoscopy and gastroscopy test, but I read that it's an unpleasant test and I'm not sure it will reveal anything.
What do you think about it? Did any of you tried this tests?

Another thing, I've recently tested for blood count and my lymphocytes came high (45%).
They where fine on 2005 (below 40%) and high for the last 3-4 years I've tested my blood (around 45%).
I've read that high lymphocytes occur when you have infection, and I think this is just the case.
The problem is that I can't know for sure that it's related to my BO and I don't have any idea where it can be (well maybe my gut)
Any ideas?


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