does your odor get worse after a bowel movement such that u have to take a shower? no - most of the time I smell the same. I've noticed that I smell a little more before a bowel movement.
does ur anus itch after a bowel movement? No
do u think u may have come in contact with steroids or mercury? No
does your breath, armpit stink? I don't think that my breath stink cause my last GF didn't said anything about it and I didn't get any reaction from other people. but my armpits tends to stink quiet often.
The fact that both of our lymphcytes are high is a strong clue! - ya, I agree! I wonder if anyone else noticed the same thing??
More answers:
How long was it before you noticed the candida diet helped a little - it took a few month of strict diet.
The fact that the candida diet is working is a good sign you should probably stick with it - I'm trying but it's hard!
Are you ever constipated? No, most of the time. especially now when I'm on the candida diet and eat lots of fibers.
Do you get the chills? yes, as I said earlier - especially during the winter when it's cold.
What does your odor smell like? It's hard to describe . It's sometimes fecal but most of the time it's something else. like nothing else I know.
I can smell it on my cloth and all over my body.
Is it intermittent or was it when it started? It was mild at the beginning. I actually thought I was sweating a lot and the smell was coming from my armpits.
2-2.5 years later the smell got stronger. I remember that I was smoking weed and it suddenly amplified the odor (it didn't happened before). since then the odor got stronger, then I realized that I have BO and not only armpits odor. The candida diet helped in a way, I'll say about 30-40% better, but it's very hard for me to stick with it.
I'm not sure that it's the solution, but it helps.