Thank you. My oregano is diluted 10 to 1 and I only do a drop. But it would make sense that it is a form of herpes. I get cold sores. I was getting them 2 a month for a year or more until I started using the oregano oil. I have not had one since starting with it. WAHOO!!! Do you know why it would move from my lips to inside my mouth like that without using olive leaf? I have never had a sore like this in my mouth. It's really very painfull!
I intend on using olive for life so I bought my own (first) olive tree and I ordered the olive leaf book from you a little over a week ago but I haven't gotten it yet. I do not have the Dr. Cass book on oregano, but I'd like to get it. Do you sell that book?
I would have to be half cracked to try pure oregano in my mouth like that! It would leave a burn for sure on me. WOW, I freak with a little too much cayenne! hahaha