Re: MH Canker sore
I know olive leaf will draw canker sores out of the gums and lips for one final exit out of the body. I have not heard of anyone having this with oregano oil.
The Amish clinic used 1 pure drop of oregano in a little tiny baby dieing of whooping cough each hour for 7 hours and this is almost universaly known among the old order amish now, just 2 days ago a Amish family told my wife they saved their little baby of whooping cough last year with this method. Now Naturally not even I am brave enough to take 1 per drop of oregano by lower front lip for 7 hours, 1 drop scared me enough to never try that again.
You using diluted oil and in a minute this ends up spread all over your mouth and down your stomach and if it does not cause a canker sore using full strength even in little babies, then I will have to make a guess and say it could be a cnaker type sore and most likely these are a form of common herpes that may last a week or less as it is being expelled. If it is a burn from the oil entering the skin too rapidly as a pure essential oil will do, most likely that also could not last more than a week. In either case if that happened to me I would use 3% standard peroxide as a rinse until healed over. Herb wise you could use golden seal on it and taking oliv leaf as a preventive is not a bad idea.
I suggest mixing the pure oil with 11 parts or more of olive oil and taking 1 drop doses, to take stronger doses should be under the care of a caregiver.
Always read the Dr. cass books on oregano, they are the only ones I know of.