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Re: Anynoe know how to combat hypoglycemia & still lose weight?

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Re: Anynoe know how to combat hypoglycemia & still lose weight?

I had a period, right around when my AF was at its worst, when I could not get enough to eat. I would have a meal then I would still be hungry and just keep eating.

I'd guessed it had to do with blood sugar. Cortisol is necessary for keeping blood Sugar levels up, and if you spike your blood Sugar up with easily digested material, it'll come plummeting back down. Your cortisol is supposed to bring it back up, but with (certain stages of) adrenal fatigue you can't make enough and so your blood Sugar goes low. I did indeed have chronic somewhat low fasting blood sugar levels, but blood sugar monitoring around meals after which I felt hungry did not reveal particularly low levels. So really, I don't know what caused it.

But, yes, I had a period when I was hungry even after eating. Which was awful. I'd keep eating and it wouldn't be all that satisfying, and it would even feel uncomfortable, and I knew I was doing something bad for my body.

I think the answer is figuring out exactly what's wrong with your system such that it makes you feel too hungry.

I even suspected poor absorption because of villi problems, I also suspected gluten (gliadin) sensitivity. But Elimination Diet testing did not bear that out. My best bet is that my system did indeed have digestion / metabolic issues, but that they were from having Adrenal Fatigue, and Adrenal Fatigue throwing the endocrine system out of whack.

Supplement with vitamin C, digestive enzymes, taurine, zinc, and manganese. Try that out for a week or two, but (carefully) give your body a rest (from the C and enzymes at least, maybe the zinc too). These things improved my digestion.

So, don't focus on weight loss first. Focus more on absorbing your food better first as that would be putting the horse before the cart. After your digestion is working, then move on to focusing on weight loss. You may find it'll fix itself.


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