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another Accuser or the same one with a #?
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another Accuser or the same one with a #?

Hi #134497,

Your quote with my answers:

Nearly every word you have posted in this thread so far is an accusation.

Answer: Do you have absolutely no understanding of the English Language and what makes an Accusation vs a Question? I know Brain Fog can mess many folks up, but since when was asking a question accusing anyone? End of this answer.

“Surely this isn't why he Dumped you? Could it be?" Your latest accusation is way over the top, violates TOS, and should get you permanently banned from Curezone.

I suspect that is what you came here for. You couldn’t just stay away. No. You need to pick fights to get yourself banned. That will justify your abuse, accusations, and hypocrisy.

Will it ever end?

Answer: "accusation" & "accuse" meaning from Black's Law 6th ed.

"A formal charge against a person, to the effect he is guilty of a punishable offense, laid before a court or magistrate having jurisdiction to inquire into the alledge crime."

"Accuse" has much the same meaning.

So How did I accuse anyone by asking questions??????????????

As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be.

Did your Brain Fog get you again?

If you don't like the questions, why do you post???

Cause and Effect!

Smile Tis your choice.


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