Re: moxidectin - info gathered
not good to hear from you under this situation, though otherwise it is.
my syringe has 11.3 grams of moxidectin gel at 2% eight per volume and states that it has 20mg of moxidectin per ml. Drugs. com canada says that their syringe has enough to treat a horse at.4 mg per kg (the recom. dose for horses it apears is extremely low) up to 545 kg. Multiplying indcates the entire syringe thus has 218 mg.
There is no way you can get 36 mg per kg for 65 kg out of one syrnge that I can see and I don't understand what dosage level you are tryng to achieve? Though your syringe may have a hgher amount of moxi per ml or something???
The dosage in tablets they are giving people now is 8 mg. It didn't indicate a per kg, and I am sure that is well lower than the txicity levels. More may be better, but I don't know that you should need anywhere near the 36mg per kg? Where did you get this info/analysis?
we are not doing so we, i will pm you.