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Re: Update on the Theft of My Happiness
jazzydude Views: 2,887
Published: 14 y
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Re: Update on the Theft of My Happiness

Badbugs site has a list of labs.

I have been thinking of doing two genova diagnostics comprehensive parasite tests consecutively which should be a total of 6 days of stool sample. They do test for Blasto.
IIRC Jackie found that she had blasto with Genova.
D.FRAGILIS is also hard to find in just 3 stool samples.

Its possible to get the tests from online stores without a doctor visit. The genova diagnostics test cost around $200 each at those online stores.

I will also try independent researchers but I like to try a more official lab. I'm still not sure which one I should try but looks like Genova is the better choice for my situation since I tried MetaMetrix, Jetty Kats & Quest diagnostics (although the stool sample for Quest was sent with some water which I understand it reduces the accuracy of the test significantly). MetaMetrix test result was parasite taxonomy unavailable and the others resulted in false negatives.

I wish I could travel to Brazil and use labion lab (the one that found amoeba H & giardia) again but I can't :o(

One other idea is to take a 3 day test and use each tube for two days instead of one. I'm not sure if that is going to improve or reduce the test accuracy. Can someone comment on this?

All the best

Disclaimer: Like most people here, I'm not a doctor or health care professional. My posts are for informational purposes only.



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