14 y
Re: birth control and adrenal fatigue
yes, I am talking about the emotional up's and downs, but also the physical, potentially disfiguring effects like the cystic
Acne that showed up on my face, neck, back and chest. I've always had
Acne issues confined to my face, but this shit was unreal and painful, physically and emotionally. I also became an oil slick even in the dead of Winter in the Pacific NW and started sweating profusely. my periods became painful and heavy again to the point where I'd be in tears over the pain. I guess the only good thing about this was my straight hair became wavy. when I went back on the pill most of these issues cleared up.
I don't have my naturopath anymore. I had to move back to California to be with family because I was deteriorating so rapidly by myself in Oregon. she did prescribe some supplements for me though. Adrena-Calm, Glysen, and Adaptocrine all from Apex Energetics. these do help, believe me, but more needs to be done.
I haven't so much cut off relationships, as I've turned into a recluse and that kinda takes care of the cutting off draining relationships part. I've given up all my favorite shows and movies too (among countless other things) for the same reason you mentioned. I follow the slow oxidizer plan for eating and I'm waiting for my Urban Rebounder to be delivered so I can exercise daily and lose some of the weight that's crept up on my previously slim and trim frame. rebounding is spose to be great for the lymph system and tones up the glandular system. I practice TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) once in the morning and again at night, TAT includes forgiveness statements. it's helping me to let go more and more. I'm in my mid/late 20's.
I'll save this post, Curly. I might hafta refer to it later. thanks, again and good luck to you too!