Hello Everyone.
This is my first post in Curezone.
I am a woman with PCOS who is taking Diane 35 for PCOS symptoms and Cipralex for depression/anxiety. These medications have been working well for me; but since I've been on them I've noticed a decrease in my libido. At this point I have no sex drive at all. I am married and have an otherwise great relationship with my partner; but this is steadily becoming a serious problem in our relationship. My GP is useless on the subject. I'm scared to go off either medication. I was in a local health store and found the product 'Sexsmart' by Lorna Vanderhaeghe. They are capsules and it says they help with libido/arousal, etc naturally. Has anyone heard of/used this product and can comment and does anyone have any suggestions on how to naturally increase a woman's sex drive?
Any serious responses would be greatly appreciated.