I am a woman with PCOS who is taking Diane 35 for PCOS symptoms and Cipralex for depression/anxiety. These medications have been working well for me; but since I've been on them I've noticed a decrease in my libido. At this point I have no sex drive at all. I am married and have an otherwise great relationship with my partner; but this is steadily becoming a serious problem in our relationship. My GP is useless on the subject. I'm scared to go off either medication. I was in a local health store and found the product 'Sexsmart' by Lorna Vanderhaeghe. They are capsules and it says they help with libido/arousal, etc naturally. Has anyone heard of/used this product and can comment and does anyone have any suggestions on how to naturally increase a woman's sex drive?
Any serious responses would be greatly appreciated.
There are a number of things that can decrease sex drive in a woman such as elevated progesterone or prolactin. Testosterone actually increases sex drive and is elevated in PCOS. Same with estrogen.
Both the Diane 35, a progesterone based testosterone blocker and the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor Cipralex decrease sex drive. So you are not likely going to boost your libido while on these drugs.
As far as the Sexsmart goes the first ingredient is arginine, which is used to increase nitric oxide, which in turn dilates blood vessels increasing circulation. But people also need to be aware that if they have any of the 8 human herpes viruses that arginine triggers activity of these viruses. This is why lysine is used to address herpes outbreaks. Lysine antagonizes arginine.
The formula also contains tribulus terrestris, which can increase libido by increasing testosterone. But again, the Diane 35 is a testosterone blocker and testosterone is already elevated in PCOS.