Re: Pain in My Head
I don't have insurance, so I only work with an MD on occasion, as it's out of pocket for me. I haven't had the testing you mentioned.
Yeah, the hot yoga is over. I moved and am not close to a place that does it as far as I know. Good idea on the sauna. Thanks for the reminder - I knew about it for a while.
Yeah, anticandida is a good idea. I'm doing non-wheat and very little fruit (other than some for a vitamix smoothie).
I also just did a test on an Asyra machine. It was pretty thorough, non-invasive, but didn't seem to mention anything about my brain. I'm taking a homeopathic remedy that was created after taking that test, and also one called LifeForce. It's been a week, and I feel a little better.
Main thing is, I'm having a reaction to something in my bedroom, which I'd like to have go away. It causes a reaction in my head. Drinking lots of water with cayenne, and just made a chicken soup. Hoping that'll help.
Sorry for the delay, I'm not getting emails when replies are coming in for some reason.