Re: So Called "Crohn's disease" and Blastocystis Connection
I aggree with tropical boy, that this whole autoimmune disease is not what is made up to be; the body does not begin attack your own body for no reason; it is not that stupid; something has to go "wrong"; and so what comes first is not autoimmune disease;
I just read a report in a local newspaper here that at Tufts university, they do not know how to treat this so called Crohn's disease; and the drugs are not working; so they are introducing worms to patients stomachs treat Crohn's; they are asking why in other countries (such as India) so many people do not have autoimmune diseases!
This is because autoimmune diseases are not really diseases (ie. cause of anything), and it is a symptom of something else which comes first, which the doctors cannot diagnose; but in other countries, doctors pay more attention such diseases (cause) and not simply treat symptoms; which is the case here in the USA; Also, here what matter is simply putting a name (designating the disease), and really finding out what is really casing it. The name takes over then; the Western medical
Science was born out of this practice of naming diseases, which hardly help the patients; in these names, patients become cronic suffers.
for my lowerback joint pain, for example, which came with Blastocystis and bowel inflammation, one infectious disease specialist suggested I have surgery! I of course walked out her office immediately. And can you believe this a highly qualified doctor who refused to believe what I was the cause of it. She would not listen; For them, the symptom is simply located to one place, and deal with that. Wonderful doctors. Wanted to cut me open. Symptom becomes the cause....