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Re: 5 amalgams in May, ill since July.

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Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Eric11 Views: 1,734
Published: 14 y
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Re: 5 amalgams in May, ill since July.

It's up to you, of course. The main point I will make to you is that mercury is one of the most poisonous substances in regular use. Silver fillings are about half mercury. Mercury vapor enters a person's body from the fillings 24/7. I had various health problems for decades, but then I felt better after replacing my fillings and chelating for 6 months.

Here is my basic story for you to use as a reference:

I started to feel sick decades ago. I often had a chronically stuffy nose, headaches, temperature intolerance, Raynaud's Phenomenon, Eczema, chronic fatigue, an irritable bowel, Fibromyalgia-like symptoms, emotional difficulties, memory difficulties, a poor attention span and many other problems.

I went to doctor after doctor, and they couldn't really help me. Sometimes a doctor gave me medicine to help with a symptom; sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't and sometimes it made my problem worse. One doctor said he thought I have Systemic Lupus while another thought I was suffering from depression, even though I wasn't sad. I was mostly frustrated because of my health problems ( Depression is, however, an often described symptom of what I really have).

Finally, I started doing my own research. I found Celiac Disease, and I tried a gluten-free diet. It helped, but only for a few months. Then many of my symptoms returned as bad or worse than before.

I discovered yeast and tried an anti-yeast diet, yeast killers and probiotics (The most effective yeast killer I've used is x-virgin coconut oil). I followed the treatment for more than a year. I felt better, but every time I broke the diet, the symptoms returned with a vengeance. I was also becoming intolerant to more and more foods (this was before I understood the need for rotating the foods on the diet). I was losing hope.

Then, the breakthrough. I discovered mercury. I discovered that silver fillings are 50-60% mercury, and the mercury is constantly leaking into a person's body. This, of course, can cause many problems, including yeast overgrowth.

I was skeptical, but I took an expensive leap of faith and had my fillings replaced and began chelating to remove the mercury from my body. It took time but after 6 months I was feeling better. I could break my diet and my reactions were relatively mild. After 12 months of cleansings, I could feel even more improvement.

Now, I've been cleaning for about 3 years. Many of my symptoms are now gone or much less than before. I recently took trips to Egypt and Cambodia. I broke my diet every day for 2 weeks. That would have knocked me out before I began the anti-mercury cleansings, but now I feel some discomfort, but it's fairly mild. I'm not ready to leave the diet completely, but my condition has improved drastically. My only regret is not figuring this out sooner.

My message to anyone who reads this is that yeast and/or mercury is very easy to confuse with other health problems (Celiac Disease, Depression, Lupus, IBS, Fibromyalgia, etc.). There may be more people like me out there. I suggest that you do your own research and find out more about this, especially if you're having trouble finding relief.

Mercury from silver fillings is probably the most common heavy metal problem, but there are other metals and other sources. If you have silver fillings please consider getting those poisonous things out of your body and chelating the mercury out (replace the fillings before you chelate. Not doing so can make you very sick). I think it will help you the way it helped me.

Thanks for reading. I hope you find it helpful.


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