My response to you was only because you brought up the man Servetus, not I. The post above is not about him. I know not Servetus, as I know not Calvin, nor Arminius.
I came to the understanding of who Christ was very late one night pondering the meaning of life as I lay awake in my bed, to where I called out to Him. I started reading my bible and there the words came alive for the first time. There was no man involved in my understanding.
You and I agree that we are not saved by works of righteousness. We can't just be good people and go to heaven. You don't claim to be a hyper-calvinist but at times it seems to be the case.....especially when I show scripture that should be balanced with what scripture you post. You being middle road being middle road arminian. We really should be more like minded in these things....but each time someone thinks the other overstepped....the both of us go hyper, in separate directions. That's not how it should be.
No christian has perfect understanding. We share in order to grow in spiritual knowledge and faith. I'm listening to what you are saying. The Spirit is just not moving to tell me otherwise. If he does....I will let you know. :)
Good friends of mine that went to that church told me that Joel's father was a fine preacher in his day at Lakewood, but when Joel took over, it started changing. Joel is very inspirational....but so was Obama. Makes your ears tickle.
Believe me....nothing in what I share makes one's ear tickle.