Supplements slowly helping
Hi all,
Having a bit of hope with the B vitamins. Have done loads of research and decided to drop money on vitamins/minerals. I am also trying to eat well, as I am also diabetic. Here is what I have done over the last year. Gone down to the health food shop and bought isolated B vitamins B2, B3, B5, and B6. In addition I bought a B100 complex. As for minerals/oils zinc, magnesium, omega 3, wheat germ (nat source of vitamin E), and vitamin A (liquid capsule). Seems like a lot, doesn't it...and costly too. But I was depressed and desperate, my skin looked awful (on face, behind ears, central chest, elbows, lower legs, etc). And you know what? With the exception of B6 and maybe B5 and I think B2, the rest do not seem to have helped...even the B100s which you think a high dose. It appears I maybe require an abnormal amount or my body is not able to absorb smaller amounts I don't know. I tried to rule things out scientifically last xmas, and I started with the minerals zinc for a few weeks, then magnesium,then the oils, then this then that. Finally popped the B5 and B6 and noticed a patch on my lower leg finally begin to clear up i.e. less red and begining to heal. I hope this is what it is, a major deficiency, because like you, I hate this disease with every ounce of my being.