Re: Spontaneous Remission - CFS
I'm glad it works for you but I have to personally disagree. I don't believe immunosuppression is the answer and killing your own white cells are probably the worst thing you can do in someone with
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome who already may have a compromised immune system.
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients have been established to have numerous viral infections, GI bacterial and fungal infections and what you are seeing as results can be just stopping your immune reaction to these bugs.. which is necessary. Immune response takes a huge amount of energy and constantly battling viral, parasitic and/or bacterial infections can be one of the many causes in chronic fatigue. But lysing white cells is like taking a stomach proton pump inhibitor. Merely turning off the alarm that's sounded off in your body, not addressing the cause.
There are other ways of immunosuppression, including steroids which help tons of
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients. Adrenal fatigue and CFS are one and the same, and many people take hydrocortisone or natural cortical glandulars to address the adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue. There are obviously various schools of thoughts of this matter, some people believe it's a physiological dose and can be okay.
Immune suppression may be helpful symptomatically but it is not the answer to a cure. Terms like remission and "Treat" are conventional medical terms that treat symptoms and do not address the cause.