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Re: How much water do I drink
Drinking more water than thirst demands will only add to the burden of elimination, much in the same way as an excess of food will lead to more weight-gain and obesity, and excessive deep breathing the cause of harmful hyperventilation and so on.
A gallon of water per day is therefore inadvisable, as this will ultimately water-log your tissues and result in weight-gain as opposed to weightloss......................
"Water taken in excess of need must be thrown out speedily lest the excess result in harm, and it does not occasion any increase in the elimination of toxins.
This is a mistake that the early Hygienists--Graham, Jennings, Trall, Alcott, etc.--did not make. They frowned upon much water drinking. The fact is that there is neither need for so much water, nor benefit from taking it. Drinking water as a mere matter of routine is not advisable. One may rely upon the instinct of thirst to tell him when he should drink and how much.
When food is not taken the need for water is lessened and there is a corresponding lessening of thirst.