Re: I need a good MMS plan - maybe need to start over again
Having read your post, I came-up with a few possibilities that I think might add to your inquiry.
1. It's possible that you've contracted something like a flu or other virus going around. Which is in turn lowering your immune system. ie. I take
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement three times per day(every day) and I've noticed that whenever something comes around(like a flu or cold) that my pain returns for a few days or until the illness passes(ex: some flu's are impervious to
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ).
2. It's possible that the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is treating the effects of whatever condition is causing you to feel ill, though not treating the source.
3. It's possible that 15 drops 1 x per day is not enough to treat the condition sufficiently. ie. In my own case, I've found 15 drops 3 x per day to be what's needed to treat my own condition(infection). And in other cases, such as with a Kidney infection, it was necessary to add other treatments to my daily routine(Raw garlic, Olive leaf extract and Oregon grape).
And finally, I would urge you to go see a doctor if at all possible. Granted they are not miracle workers(we know that), but sometimes, something as simple as bloodwork could reveal something very significant. And so I'd urge you to have a look just to be on the safe side.
Hope you find wellness soon.