I've been browsing through the book 'The 4 Hour Body' by Timothy Ferris. In one part of the book he warns against eating foods like white bread, white pasta, etc. and he makes the following statement:
"Just for fun, another reason to avoid the whities: chlorine dioxide, one of the chemicals used to bleach flour (even if later made brown again, a common trick), combines with residual protein in most of these foods to form alloxan. Researchers use alloxan in lab rats to induce diabetes. That’s right—it’s used to produce diabetes. This is bad news if you eat anything white or “enriched.”
So chlorine dioxide can form this alloxan when mixed with residual proteins in certain foods? Does this mean there are certain foods we should avoid eating around the same time as we take Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ? I'd hate to think that by taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement we are giving ourselves diabetes. Anyone have any more information on this?